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Can I automatically invite a visitor to chat with me?

With Comm100 Live Chat, you can automatically invite visitors to chat with you based on the pre-defined rules. This not only frees you from manually identifying target visitors and sending invitations but also ensures that no target visitors are missed.

Step by Step Instructions

1. Log in to your Comm100 account.

2. Click Campaign at the left menu the click Invitation. Choose if you want to edit an existing invitation from the invitation list or add a new invitation by clicking the ' Add an Invitation' link.

3. On the Edit Auto Invitation page, check If enabled, enter the invitation name, set invitation image, invitation position, conditions and popup frequency.

Note: You will see the option to set invitation position only if you are using the pop-up style.

If you are using Team edition you can set only one condition whereas Advanced Rule Based Invitation options are available for Business and Enterprise edition.

4. You have the option to choose from three invitation styles based on your preference.

Note: Bubble type invitation will only appear for Adaptive Chat Button.

5. Click OK to save the configuration.

There you have it. Your auto chat invitation will show to your target visitors who meet the conditions configured in the settings.

Note: After visitor accepts the invitation, If auto-accept chat is not enabled, agents need to manually Accept the chat. If the chat is not picked up within 30 seconds after the invitation is accepted, visitor will receive a system message.

Video Tutorial: Proactively Invite Visitors to Chat