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Why are offline messages not being delivered to my email inbox?
Issue you are experiencing:

Agents are not getting offline messages in their email inbox. How do I resolve it?

Potential Causes:
  • The email address specified in Comm100 is different than email inbox you are checking.
  • You are trying to have offline message sent to multiple email addresses but the format you have used to set this up is incorrect.
  • You have not enabled messages to be sent for the right Campaign.


  1. Login to your Comm100 Control Panel.
  2. Go to Campaign> Offline Message> Email Offline Message and ensure that you have the right Campaign selected in the top right corner.
  3. Make sure the email address is correct. Check for typos.
  4. If you have multiple recipients set to receive offline messages separate them by Comma. For example: , , etc

Note: If you have checked all and still not receiving Offline messages, you should contact your email service provider or ISP for further testing and analysis at server level see if the emails are being blocked for any reason.